Pastor Jerry Eze has caused a stir on social media as he gifted six of his music ministers brand new cars.

Jerry eze
Jerry eze

The overly excited beneficiaries couldn’t contain their joy as they recorded a video beaming with smiles and appreciation to their spiritual leader.


Jerry Eze is a Nigerian pastor, founder of Streams of Joy International, and convener of the New Season Prophetic Prayers and Declaration (NSPPD), an online digital prayer meeting that takes place on YouTube.

NSPPD started during the COVID-19 lockdown, when there were restrictions on movement and physical church services.

The online prayer community runs daily at 7a.m. Their slogan is, “What God cannot do does not exist.”

The platform has recorded many testimonies from Nigerians and worshippers around the world.


Many who have encountered Jerry Eze describe him as a humble and loving man.

Little wonder why many applauded him for gifting his singers with brand new cars, which included a man and his wife.

However, some netizens called his actions a “show off,” which displayed church activities as a “business venture.”

@peacefulbaddie wrote, “From the money he has manipulated people to bring to his alter smh”


@eagle103_official said, “What we love to see in the body of Christ”

Also Read: NSPPD: 7 Things You Should Know About Pastor Jerry Eze


@zucchy_nedu wrote, “And some pastors will say, “Your reward is in heaven.” God bless you, pst. Jerry.”

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