If you have been looking for the right words to describe the recent electricity tariff hike, then search no more, the chairman of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Kogi State chapter, Comrade Gabriel Amari, has given it a befitting description.

To Amari, the increase in electricity tariff can be likened to daylight robbery.


#Protest: Kogi NLC Says Electricity Tariff Hike Is ‘Broad Daylight Robbery’

You see, the electricity tariff hike, right from the moment it was announced, has received widespread rejection, especially as it came at a time when the purchasing power of many Nigerians is nothing to write home about.

On this note, Amari urged the federal government to reverse the tariff for the sake of the suffering masses.

The Electricity Tariff Regime 

Amari said this when organised labour picketed the office of Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) in Lokoja.


Meanwhile, the NLC chairman asserted that the tariff regime has created the impression that the present administration has no feeling for the suffering masses.

In his words: “Increase in electricity tariffs is a broad day robbery which will not be accepted.

“The government should know that people are suffering with their obnoxious policies. Nigerians are paying for electricity that they are not using.

“It is under this administration that we are witnessing discrimination in the distribution of power. We can’t continue like this.”


Total Shut Down

Amari warned of the consequences of the failure to reverse the increase.

According to him, it will result in total shut down of the power sector in the country.


He added: “Privatization of the electricity sector is a complete failure.
Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission, (NERC), we are saying no to discrimination in electricity distribution.”

You May Like: Electricity Tariff Hike: NLC Targets NERC, DisCos With Nationwide Protest

“We will continue to resist every form of exploitation by this government.

Nigerians Are Suffering

“The Government promised us new minimum wage but failed to implement it.
All they know how to do is to increase electricity tariffs without putting the masses into consideration.

“Nigerians are really suffering. It is high time the government listened attentively to the voices of Nigerians who are craving for an end to their bad policies”.


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