People often look forward to the weekend as it is a time to have fun and unwind from the work stress they have been through from Mondays to Friday. A weekend outing can do the magic.

Interestingly, there are places and events you can attend if you want to have a good time over the weekend.


Let us have a run-through.


This is a Yoruba term used to describe a grand party organised by Nigerians anywhere in the world. It involves a lot of food, dancing, loud music, and spraying money on a celebrant or any person dancing.

Although, that spraying aspect may not happen in this cashless season.

Owambe is mostly organised on weekends. It could be weddings, birthdays, or naming ceremonies, to mention a few.


Any one it is, something like that must be around around you this weekend.

People often look forward to the party rice.

Restaurants/Fast Foods

Weekends are peak periods for fast food and restaurants.

Basically, friends and families sit together to have lunch and dinner while bonding in a different atmosphere outside their homes.


Swimming Pools

Here is another weekend outing to consider.

The feeling of the sun gently kissing your skin while your body gets immersed in the cool, blueish water, sends chills down your spine. It is really an ecstatic one.


You should consider visiting the pool with your loved ones on a weekend. It is often a beautiful experience.

Visit Friends And Family

It is not enough to only check up on your loved ones via phone calls, chats, or text messages.

The is a good time to pay them a weekend visit.

They will appreciate it more, as it helps you bond better over lunch or dinner.

Always notify them before going, so they can prepare to receive you properly.


There’s always a list of trendy movies online and even offline.

You can have a good time by going to see one at a cinema near you over the weekend.

Seeing movies helps relax your mind and fills you with imagination and creativity.

You can also check online sites like Eventbrite to see corporate events happening around you.


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