Ulcer: 5 Foods You Shouldn’t Eat As An Ulcer Patient

If you have an ulcer, managing your diet is important to avoid aggravating your symptoms.

Here are five foods and beverages you should avoid:


1. Spicy Foods
Spicy foods can irritate the lining of the stomach and exacerbate ulcer symptoms like pain and discomfort.

Avoid hot peppers, chili powder, curry, and other heavily spiced foods.

2. Acidic Foods
Foods high in acidity can increase stomach acid production, worsening ulcers and causing heartburn.

Avoid Citrus fruits (like oranges and lemons), tomatoes, and tomato-based products such as sauces and ketchup.

3. Caffeine

Caffeine increases stomach acid production and can irritate the stomach lining, potentially worsening ulcer symptoms.

Avoid Coffee, tea, chocolate, and caffeinated sodas.

4. Alcohol
Alcohol can erode the stomach lining and increase acid production, which can irritate ulcers and slow healing.

Avoid Beer, wine, liquor, and any other alcoholic beverages.

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5. Fried and Fatty Foods

Fatty and fried foods are harder to digest, which can lead to increased acid production and prolonged discomfort in ulcer patients.

Avoid Fried chicken, burgers, chips, and heavy cream-based sauces.

Eating a balanced, bland diet with foods that are easier on the stomach, such as lean proteins, non-acidic fruits, and cooked vegetables, can help manage ulcer symptoms and promote healing.

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