The police command in Edo on Thursday arraigned two men, Suleman Uba, 21, and Usman Ali, 22, before an Ogbeson Chief Magistrates’ Court in Benin for allegedly stealing three car batteries.
The Police Prosecutor, Sgt. Kehinde Iyawe, said that the defendants were arraigned on a two-count charge, bothering on stealing and receiving stolen property.
Iyawe said that the defendants committed the offences on July 9 at Eyean, Kaka Junction in Benin.
The prosecutor said that Uba stole the car batteries, valued at N120, 000, belonging to one Mohammed Garba.
According to the prosecutor, after Uba had stolen the batteries, he gave two of them, valued at N80, 000 to Ali, knowing that the batteries were stolen.
Iyawe said that the offences contravened Sections 390 (9) and 427 of the Criminal Code, Laws of the defunct Bendel State, 1976, which is now applicable in Edo.
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If found guilty, the defendant risk seven-year jail terms.
The defendants, however, pleaded not guilty to the charges leveled against them.
The Chief Magistrate, Mr Mutairu Oare, granted bail to the defendants in the sum of N100, 000 with one surety each in like sum.
He said that the sureties must be responsible persons and must depose to affidavit of means.
Oare also directed that the sureties must deposit two recent passport photographs each and that of the defendants with the court.
He added that information about the sureties’ residences should be verified by the court registrar.
The chief magistrate, thereafter, adjourned the case to Aug. 5 for further hearing.