Nigerian actor Yomi Fabiyi attacked his colleague, Jaiye Kuti, over her viral video, in which she slammed Nollywood actors for “begging” on social media.
Jaiye is of the opinion that veteran actors should plan for their future by having pension plans for themselves and spending their money wisely during their active years.
She accused some old actors of spending on alcohol, women, and other frivolities instead of saving up for their old age.
Yomi Fabiyi Blows Hot
However, Yomi Fabiyi responded to Jaiye via his Instagram page, saying that most veterans begging for financial aid online were victims of piracy and were exploited in the past.
“If anybody needs help and indeed comes public with his or her brand, name, and face only, I don’t see why it should bother anyone.
“If you cannot find means to recover all these veterans’ losses via piracy and exploitation by capitalists, then let them breathe.
Luckier But Not Better
“We, the new millennium actors, are a little luckier but not better.
“We must learn to respect people’s decisions, choices, and actions. All man for himself. Comparison is proof of nothing.
“I prefer these veterans’ stars to seek charity rather than go into drug Trafficking, Fraud, rituals, etc. just to survive their present hardship.
“Perhaps these charities should be packaged differently because, truth be told, MANY OLD ACTORS ARE SUFFERING IN SILENCE AND ARE LIKELY TO DIE DISGRACEFULLY IF THEY DO NOT SEEK HELP.”
You Should Read: Yoruba Actors Should Stop Embarrassing Us – Jaiye Kuti
“Let it be clear, no matter how uncomfortable and displeased you are with someone’s actions or decisions.
“If it is not against the law of the land and falls within the rights of the person, it is outright arrogance, a crime, and the grandeur of delusion to attempt to rubbish such a person. Caveat!
“Nigeria sef they beg and borrow. I HATE PRETENCE, ARROGANCE, AND FAKE LIVES.”
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