The Nigerian Institution of Surveyors has tasked the federal and states governments to upgrade and sufficiently equip the offices of the Surveyors General in order to engender rapid national development.
President of the Institution, Surv. (Alabo) Charlesye D. Charles, gave the charge on Tuesday in Abuja at the opening of the 55th Annual General Meeting AGM and Conference of the Nigerian Institution of Surveyors.
He recalled how surveyors contributed to the epidemiological mapping of the country in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic which he said underscores the power of spatial information and management.
He said; “At this AGM/Conference, we shall be addressing the theme “Emerging Trends in Geospatial Technologies for Earth Systems and Infrastructure Mapping, Monitoring and Management’.
“This theme is becoming more increasingly apt following the recent developments in the spheres of ICT, Communication, Health and the area of using the standards prescribed by these concepts to hopefully and completely overcome COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic had tasked and tested the strength of human spirit to rise and face this adversity. We were able to map and monitor its spread, effects and successes achieved in its management.
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“A great role was played by ‘incidence or situation mapping’ which presented graphically to the world the challenge we faced and helped to drive home support for efforts of the WHO and other health management agencies, both local and international. This goes to show us the power of spatial information and management”.
According to him, the theme of conference will also bring to fore the history and status of Nigeria’s infrastructure development efforts.
“It helps when we have maps showing us our development growth pattern and the gaps that require filling. There must be a connection in the growth of our rail and road infrastructure, their connection to the markets, power and health; and how they all coalesce to promoting the growth of economy, our society, national security and the environment”, he stated.
The president added that Nigeria has a large stock of qualified and experienced Surveying, Geomatics and Spatial Information Managers to help government drive its policies and programmes to successful conclusions.
“It should be remembered that no meaningful or sustainable development could be achieved without the input and involvement of Surveyors.
“The Nigerian Institution of Surveyors calls on Government, both at Federal and State levels, to upgrade, equip and appropriately staff the various Offices of Surveyors General. They are meant to be the main point of surveying and mapping information. They are supposed to be advisers to the various governments on all development matters that are necessarily land based. They are supposed to help government to increase revenue generation, manage socio-economic challenges arising fom land use and to help government achieve cost economy through avoidance of unnecessary duplication of efforts and wastages”.