“The nationwide strike embarked by the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) was just a waste of time”, those were the exact words of Mr Frank, a secondary school teacher as he reacted the suspension of the strike by the union.

For Frank, the protest should have continued since it appears to be the only language the government understands.

Minimum Wage Strike: A Win Or Loss For Nigerians?


Well, that was not all for Frank, deep down his heart all he wants is to rest from his teaching job.

That is Frank on one hand.

On the other hand, is Miss Emmanuella who is super excited that the strike has been called off.

Alas, she will be able to visit the passport office to pick up her international passport on a scheduled date this week.

Indeed, this five days means a lot for Emmanuella.

National Cake

The suspension of the strike has sparked mixed reactions from many.

To some, the Organised Labour has disappointed them.


To others, it was merely politics.

People in this category believe that the unions only wanted to receive their own share of the national cake, perhaps it has been long they did.

As the controversy continues to heat up, one question begs for an answer, was the strike a win or loss for Nigerians?

You see, Nigerians had supported this minimum wage strike with all their heart.

Minimum Wage Strike

Many prayed that the government would agree to a substantial amount for the minimum wage.

Also Read: Minimum Wage Strike: How Federal Government Rates Nigerian Workers

Nigerians were ready to bear the consequences and make a statement.

However, after suffering the effect for one day, Nigerians were told that the unions have called off the strike after signing an agreement with the government.

The painful part is that the government has not revealed the exact amount for the wage, all we heard was that the government will pay above 60,000 Naira.

So what then was the strike for? Why put the people through stress only to end up agreeing to that amount?

These are the questions Nigerians are asking as they air their grievances.


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