How Body Odour Can Ruin Your Business

Did you know that body odour can affect your business?

Well, if you did not know, then read this article to the end, only then will you find how something as insignificant as body odour, which could be averted with less that 2,000 naira, can ruin a multi-million business.

How Body Odour Can Ruin Your Business

If smelling nice can attract people to you, and earn you a special place in their hearts, then think of what body odour can do to you.

If you are a business owner, it is good that you understand personal hygiene, not just you, every single person working for you must prioritise hygiene.

The reason is simple.

Let’s take a practical illustration.

The Experience 

You walk into a barbershop, prepared to get a nice haircut to maintain your steeze.

You take a seat like a king that you are.

As you stare at yourself in the giant mirror, the barber approaches you.

As he draws close, a different kind of smell filters into your nose.

“Na who get this kind body odour”, you ponder within yourself.

Boom, the barber appears right in front of you and what hits you is a strange, strong, disgusting smell.

You may think of managing until the barber raises his hand to begin his work.

The smell that hits you from his armpit is one that could choke you to death.

Trust me, if you ever survive this experience, you will never return to that saloon, not to talk of recommending it.

Body Odour Vs Business

Now, that is you as a customer, now consider yourself as a business owner.

The truth is, a customer cannot just stop patronising you for no reason, don’t forget, there is no smoke without fire.

There is a reason why someone who used to patronise your business would stop, and trust us body odour is one of them.

If body odour keeps chasing your customers, sooner or later, you’ll be running into problems.

You May Like: Shocker! Body Odour Is About To Become More Popular

In Lagos, many people take note of a danfo, whose conductor has body odour, hence, at the parks, drivers are now selective of the conductor they pick.

Personal hygiene is of great importance.

As a business owner, always wear a sweet and nice fragrance, trust us, smelling good has a special way of attracting people who can become customers.

Ensure your staffs always smell good too.

There should be regular checks.

You are not embarrassing anyone, you are saving your business. If they feel embarrassed, then they should smell nice and attract customers to the company.

We understand that perfumes are quite expensive, thanks to the Nigerian economy.

However, there are other affordable fragrance that can still appeal to people.



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