The Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards (AMVCA) often opens up the vault of culture, offering people new ideas, and pushing the creative minds further.

On Friday, no one who passes that environment will walk through without knowing that a special event was up and running.


Outside, vendors lined the streets surrounding the AMVCA venue, offering a variety of merchandise and services.

Basically, all of these are catering to the influx of attendees, as the venue exudes an aura of excitement, with flashing camera lights and eager fans lining the red carpet.

Inside, sponsors and advertisers strategically position their products and services, capitalising on the massive audience and prestigious platform to enhance brand visibility and drive consumer engagement.

AMVCA Also, there were sophisticated arrangements that created an ambiance of fostering an environment ripe for collaboration and inspiration


Indeed, the recently concluded AMVCA didn’t just dazzle with its star-studded red carpet and captivating performances; it also served as a vibrant celebration of African culture, an economic powerhouse, and a stage for some unexpected celebrity antics.

Economic Powerhouse

The AMVCA isn’t just about showcasing talent; it’s a massive economic engine driving various sectors.

From fashion designers to event planners, caterers to hairstylists, the event creates a whirlwind of economic activity.

With attendees donning extravagant outfits and designers scrambling for their creations to grace the red carpet, the AMVCA is a lucrative platform for businesses to showcase their products and service.


Celebrity Antics

However, it wasn’t all serious business at the AMVCA.

One of the most talked-about moments was the resistance of some celebrities to participate in the tradition of “spraying” money during performances.


This act, usually done as a show of support and appreciation, saw a decline in participation due to recent arrests by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

While some celebrities opted out to avoid any association with illegal activities, others saw it as an opportunity for a bit of rebellious fun, sparking laughter and chatter among attendees.

Preserving Cultural Values

Amidst the glitz and glamour, the AMVCA remains deeply rooted in preserving African cultural values.

Also Read: AMVCA 2024: Meet The Nominees

From traditional attire to indigenous performances, the event serves as a reminder of the rich cultural tapestry that defines the continent.

The Cultural Day segment was a vibrant showcase of African diversity, with attendees proudly displaying their heritage through attire, dance, and music.

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