Tinubu has assured Nigerians that the worst is over and the country will move on to prosperity.

President Tinubu Lands Abuja After Controversial Trip
President Bola Tinubu

President Asiwaju Bola Tinubu has said that his administration has, in the last 12 months, stopped the “bleeding” experienced across the country.


Asiwaju said this while receiving a delegation of the Yoruba Leaders of Thought at the State House on Friday, May 24.

Also, he emphasised that governance must be transformative and address citizens’ critical needs.

A statement released by the President’s Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Ajuri Ngelale, read:

“It has been challenging. It has been fulfilling as well. We took over, and we stopped the bleeding. I can say categorically now that Nigeria is no longer bleeding.


And it will not bleed to death, but rather will now move to prosperity. That is the promise that I made to you all, and it is also the charge that you gave me.

“We are managing to swim through the pond. The current is not a good one. We will turn the tide. We are turning the bend.
This, I assure you. I am being very careful. The worst is over for Nigeria. We will prevail.

Impact Of Good Governance

“I thank the team, who have been working really hard. All I can promise is that we will do whatever it takes.

We are determined, and we will work so that all Nigerians can feel the impact of good governance.”


In addition, the president assured Nigerians that his administration will ensure they get value for every kobo spent.

Quality Public Goods

Furthermore, he said his government will leave a lasting legacy of prosperity to future generations while removing the yoke of poor governance and expanding access to qualitative public goods.


“We will get value for our money, and it is not for ourselves but for our children. Our children will not inherit the burden of bad governance.

Yet, they will enjoy the prosperity of Nigeria as a blessed nation from our very hands and from our sweat. We will bequeath to them a nation full of pride and prosperity.”

President Tinubu also called for the deepening of governance and the reinforcement of leadership across all levels of government and institutions, adding that his administration is committed to encouraging fiscal federalism and strengthening the system to enhance inclusion and equity for all Nigerians.

“Healthcare upgrading is ongoing. Road rehabilitation and construction are ongoing.
Education development is ongoing.

I am charging you to look at what is going on in the States.

Also Read: One-Year Anniversary: President Tinubu Government Apologises To Nigerians Over Hardship

Pay attention to your state governors.

Tell them to take their responsibilities seriously and make the people the focus of their development plans.

Once there is synergy, then I can assure you that Nigeria will be one of the best nations that you will see anywhere on earth.”

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