The Nigerian Naira as of 10 am of 12/12/2022 is exchanging at N443 to 1 US dollar at the parallel market. Dollar to Naira on the black market, exchanges between ₦730 and ₦750.
The dollar to Naira conversion tool allows you to compare the live inter-bank currency rate with competitive travel money exchange rates available within the foreign exchange markets.
The Nigerian currency has continued to fall even with the redesigning of the naira notes which is a move by the Central Bank of Nigeria aimed to tame the inflation that is affecting the economy
Official exchange of the Naira to Dollar for the week ended 09/12/22
Date | Currency | Buying(NGN) | Central(NGN) | Selling(NGN) |
12/9/2022 | US DOLLAR | 444.65 | 445.15 | 445.65 |
12/8/2022 | US DOLLAR | 444.51 | 445.01 | 445.51 |
12/7/2022 | US DOLLAR | 444.47 | 444.97 | 445.47 |
12/6/2022 | US DOLLAR | 444.47 | 444.97 | 445.47 |
12/5/2022 | US DOLLAR | 444.31 | 444.81 | 445.31 |
Source: CBN
On the black market in the last 7 days, between 05/12/2022 and 11/12/2022, Dollar to Naira had values between ₦730 and ₦770 with an average ₦740.79.
When we compare last week’s numbers with today’s (11/12/2022) rate, the average of Dollar to Naira rate saw a 10.79 points decrease from ₦740.79 to ₦730.00 which equals a 1.46% fall.