Who would have thought that President Bola Tinubu, on whose mandate many Nigerians stand, would not be able to stand firm on a special day as the country’s Democracy Day?

June 12: Possible Reasons President Tinubu Fell At Eagles Square
President Tinubu at Eagles Square

June 12 is a day set aside to celebrate the fallen heroes who paid the ultimate sacrifice, paving the way for the democracy the country now enjoys.


On this day, Nigerians commemorate the events of the June 12, 1993, presidential election.

Basically, the Democracy Day always revolves around those who have inked their names in the history books of Nigeria as ‘The Heroes of Democracy’, except that of the year 2024.

The Fall

This year’s ceremony featured a very funny incident which shifted the attention of Nigerians from the event of the day.

As we speak, videos of President Bola Tinubu falling during the Democracy Day parade at Eagles Square is littered all over the web.


In fact, that incident has become the talk of the town.

Many people have a thing or two to say about that incident.

Possible Reasons Tinubu Fell

However, no one is concerned about the possible reasons the president fell.

Could it be health related?


Could it be stress? Or was it just a natural coincidence?

These are questions we should be asking before drawing conclusions.


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It will be unfair to conclude that Tinubu is unfit, when in reality, what happened was a mere coincidence.

You see, President Tinubu slipped while attempting to enter the parade vehicle.
Already, the presidency has reacted to the incident.

The Presidency Speaks 

While confirming the slip of the President during the event, the Special Assistant to the President on social media, Dada Olusegun noted that it was just a minor incident.

He explained that the President only missed his step while climbing the parade vehicle but there were no issues as he immediately continued with the ceremony.

“Mr President missed his step while climbing into the truck at the June 12 Democracy Day celebration and tripped. It was a mild misstep.
He immediately went on with the ceremonial rounds. No issues,” he wrote via X.


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