Comparing PMB to OBJ is like comparing count Dracula to Mother Theresa – Femi-Fani Kayode

OBJ united Nigeria, PMB divided her. OBJ brought peace, PMB brought war. OBJ brought prosperity, PMB brought poverty. OBJ brought life, PMB brought death. OBJ brought hope, PMB brought despair.

OBJ paid off our foreign debt, Buhari indebted us to the tune of $30 billion and turned us into Africa’s biggest debtor and beggar. OBJ solved our problems, PMB created them. OBJ brought restoration, PMB brought degeneration. OBJ brought us pride, Buhari brought us shame.

OBJ brought us good success, PMB brought us stark failure. OBJ loved all Nigerians and treated them equally, PMB loves only northerners and treats all others like field hands and slaves. OBJ saw Nigeria as a nation, PMB sees her as a conquered territory.

READ ALSO: Buhari shouldn’t have eased lockdown; it’s a terrible mistake – Etek Notions

OBJ led the best, most successful, most intelligent, most enlightened and most productive cabinet and Government in the history of Nigeria whilst PMB leads the worst, most destructive, most savage, most ignorant and most corrupt cabinet and Government in the history of Africa.

OBJ fought terror and despised terrorists, PMB rewards terror and pampers terrorists. OBJ was a leader, PMB is a ruler. OBJ was a lion, PMB is a mouse. OBJ loves human beings, PMB loves cows.

Comparing the two is like comparing night and day or chalk and cheese or heaven and hell: it makes absolutely NO sense!

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Tue May 5 , 2020
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Nadal not certain of returning to action before 2021

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