Day by day, terrorists in Nigeria seem to be growing bolder and stronger, operating without fear.

In some regions, these terrorists have grown into landlords, deciding who stays and who doesn’t.


Our brothers and sisters in Borno have been caught in this dilemma.

Borno: Residents Flee As Terrorists Issue Quit Notice To Communities
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The Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) terrorists have issued a quit notice to residents of Kukawa Local Government Area in the State to leave their homes or face death.

Indeed, obedience is better than sacrifice.

As we speak, scores of residents have fled their homes following the ultimatum issued by ISWAP terrorists.


The Warning

This particular set of terrorists seem to be in a good mood, or perhaps, they are not just hungry for blood.

They did not use the usual style of killing people in the community to scare them away, rather, the terrorists assembled the residents in the town and issued the ultimatum.

A villager who spoke with journalists said the terrorists gathered the villagers on Thursday and issued the warning.

Also Read: Katsina State: Terrorists Kidnap At Least 30 Children In Fresh Attack 


He said many residents have left for Monguno, and some are leaving on Saturday before the deadline.

In his words: “We were gathered this morning by the terrorist group and received the warning.



“They said the deadline is Saturday, starting from today. If we don’t leave the area by Saturday, we will face the consequences.

Many have left for Monguno, and we are leaving tomorrow before the deadline.”

“I have heard some people saying they were not going anywhere. They said it is better to be under terrorists than to go back to starvation in the IDP camps.”

It is believed that ISWAP terrorists and residents had been coexisting for over a year without any conflict.

But things changed five days ago when tension escalated, leading to killings.

Terrorists Attack

It was gathered that more than 35 fishermen were killed when ISWAP fighters attacked residents last Sunday night.

According to sources knowledgeable about the incident, no fewer than 25 people were severely wounded, while about 30 others are still missing.

A source told Daily Trust that the residents of Kukawa town have been under ISWAP control as human shields for more than a year.

The source added that they paid their dues and taxes, as there were no local authorities in the town.

Another source claimed that the terrorists accused the locals of betrayal, suspecting they were spying on their movements, leading to recent casualties in Tunbun.


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