10 Things You Should Do Before, During, And After August Nationwide Protest

As August 1 nationwide protest draws near, all participants are urged to be well-prepared for safety and effective engagement.

10 Things You Should Do Before, During, And After August Nationwide Protest

To ensure a smooth experience, individuals should familiarise themselves with key guidelines before, during, and after the protest.

Here Are 10 Things You Should Do Before, During, And After August Nationwide Protest.

1. Start buying food stuffs and store. Prices will increase before, during, and after protest.

2. Fill your gas so you don’t run short of gas when you are cooking. No one knows the duration of the protests and the aftermath.

3. Withdraw enough cash and keep with you because banks will remove money from their ATM machines. POS will hike price for withdrawal.

4. Cancel all your flights or journeys two days before the protest.

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5. Stay indoors if you know you don’t have the mind to join the protests.

6. Be updated with news to catch up with the happenings peradventure for any eventuality.

7. Lie on the floor when you hear gun shots or take cover in a safe place.

8. If you must join the protest, hold your phones and wallet tight. Better still, keep your wallet at home and just take what will be enough for you.

9. If you are a student, stay safe in your hostel if your school is still in session or better still, return home before the protests begins.

10. Avoid the spread of fake news on your social handle. If you must share anything, ensure it is legit before doing so.

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