Toyin Abraham, a prominent Nollywood actress, has faced backlash for supporting APC candidate Bola Ahmed Tinubu in the 2023 Nigerian presidential elections.

In response to criticism for her support for President Bola Tinubu in the wake of the NLC strike, Toyin Abraham broke down in tears.


Toyin Abraham: Nigerian Celebrities Criticized For Supporting APC

On June 4, 2024, Toyin Abraham used her Instagram Live to address the criticism she had been receiving, especially those made about her kids.

Indeed, the 2023 elections saw a notable increase in political activism among Nigerian celebrities

2023 Election

There was a clear rift and heated public discussions within the entertainment industry as a result of the difference in support between the ruling party and opposition candidates like Peter Obi from Labour Party


Also, another well-known actress, Eniola Badmus, is also receiving similar criticism from the public for her continued support of the APC.

Alongside Toyin Abraham, Badmus has been accused of supporting a political agenda that many believe is detrimental to the country’s progress

Zack Orji, a renowned Nollywood actor is also on this table.

He has received backlash for his endorsement of President Bola Tinubu.


It causes widespread criticism from fans and celebrities.

People Also Read: Toyin Abraham: Nigerians Call Out Entertainers That Supported Tinubu


Orji’s endorsement of Tinubu was made public through various media channels, where he expressed his belief that Tinubu was the right choice for Nigeria’s future.


Furthermore, Nollywood actor Yul Edochie faced backlash for his support of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and APC in 2024, expressing his belief in Tinubu’s leadership and prayers for his success on social media.

Edochie’s public endorsement has faced criticism from his followers, who question his judgment and hostility.

Critics highlight Nigerian struggles, economic hardships, and Edochie’s apparent disregard for these issues.

Also, Desmond Elliot, a prominent Nollywood actor and politician, faced backlash for supporting the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the 2023 elections.

He secured a third term, demonstrating his loyalty to the party.

Elliot’s endorsement of Tinubu and active involvement in APC campaigns sparked public criticism.

Also, he advocates social media regulation which alienated young Nigerians during the #EndSARS protests.

Celebrities’ involvement in Nigerian politics, especially in the 2023 elections, demonstrates the intricate relationship between entertainment, public opinion, and political activism.

Celebrities like Toyin Abraham and Eniola Badmus, despite facing backlash, demonstrate the significant influence of celebrities in shaping Nigerian political discourse.



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