Details from the closed-door meeting between representatives of the Federal Government and the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has emerged.

Osodeke ASUU exco members
Emmanuel Osodeke

ASUU met with the FG at approximately 4:30 pm on Wednesday, June 26, at the Education Ministry headquarters in Abuja.

It was indeed a long day.


However, after more than two hours of deliberations, both parties reached an agreement.

They agreed to settle their differences in a peaceful manner to avoid a strike.

Details Of ASUU, FG Meeting

The meeting featured the presence of two Education Ministers, Prof. Tahir Mamman and Dr Yusuf Sununu.

With them were other senior officials from the ministry representing the government.

ASUU President, Prof. Emmanuel Osodeke, spoke with journalists after the meeting.

He informed them that the discussions had just started with hopes that the government would take action on the agreements reached.

“We have discussions on all the issues and we have given assignments to some people to look at and agree on the way forward,” he said.


The Process

Speaking on the two-week ultimatum issued by the union, Osodeke said they would go back and give the details of the meeting to their union members.

Also Read: ASUU Seeks Tinubu’s Intervention Or Face Fresh Strike

He said: “What is important is that we have started the process.

“Our prayers is that we resolve it for the interest of our young men and the interest of the nation.

“The government has spent one year in office and we have not been called for any formal meeting.
Today we are having the first formal meeting. There is a process we have started and we are going to set deadlines.
We are going to meet to look at what has been done on those issues and we hope the process will continue.”

Nationwide Strike

ASUU had earlier warned of a nationwide strike if the federal government fails to fulfill its promises.

The union has directed the government to fulfill all pending requests within a fortnight.

Key areas of dispute include being dropped from the IPPIS, redoing the terms of the 2009 agreement between FGN and ASUU.

Others are, settling all unpaid Earned Academic Allowance (EAA) backlogs, and addressing all outstanding pay issues, among other matters.


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