The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) will hold an emergency National Executive Council meeting on Tuesday over its proposed indefinite industrial action.

This decision was made known in a terse statement on Sunday by NLC General Secretary, Emmanuel Ugboaja. he was addressing Presidents, General Secretaries and Treasurers of affiliate unions.

Again! NLC Threatens An Indefinite Strike Over Fuel HikeAccording to the statement, the meeting will hold online.


Subject Matter

Although, the subject matter of the meeting was not stated, it may not be unconnected to NLC’s planned strike.

The unions had given a 21- working day ultimatum to the Federal Government. That ultimatum period had ended.

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The union had earlier embarked on a two-day warning strike to press home its demands.

NLC after the warning strike gave the government a 21-day ultimatum to meet its demands.

The union is pushing for a raise in salary among other things, as workers face hardship caused by the removal of petrol subsidy.


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