The Nigerian government’s decision to reinstate the old national anthem is set to bring about changes in various aspects of life, including schools, national events, and even football matches played within the country.

This decision holds huge implications, especially regarding its psychological effects on both adults and children.

Nigeria Goes Back to Old National Anthem: What It Means For People

Psychological Effects For Adults

For adults, the reintroduction of the old national anthem may evoke a sense of nostalgia and pride, as they reconnect with a piece of their country’s history.


Many adults may already be familiar with the old anthem, having grown up with it before it was replaced.

Learning and reciting it once again could evoke feelings of patriotism and unity among the older generation.

Psychological Effects For Kids

However, for younger generations, particularly children in primary and secondary schools, the reintroduction of the old national anthem may pose a different set of challenges.

These children have grown up learning and reciting the current national anthem, which has become ingrained in their identity as Nigerians.

Suddenly having to switch back to the old anthem may cause confusion and disruption in their sense of national identity.

Moreover, learning a new anthem can be a daunting task for children who are already navigating various academic and social pressures.

It may require additional time and effort from educators to teach the old anthem effectively and ensure that students understand its importance.


Benefits of Reinstating the Old National Anthem

While the reinstatement of the old national anthem may initially pose challenges for both adults and children, it also presents an opportunity for reflection, learning, and a renewed sense of national pride.

However, it prompts consideration of whether this action aligns with the priorities of the government, particularly when Nigerians are facing hardship.

People also read: National Anthem: When Was Nigeria We Hail Thee First Sang?


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