If you live in Lagos, you are in for a good time in the heat of the Naira scarcity and petrol unavailability. Sanwo-Olu is giving you some subsidy to cool your temper.

One of the areas Lagosians are not finding it easy as a result of naira scarcity is the rising cost of transportation.


There is no cash to pay tricycle riders or bike men and many have had to trek distances like some persons did when Buhari took over power.

It is not possible to make payment via transfer in a bus. What if you had done half of the journey and your app is still not opening?

These challenges needed some form of solution while the people make a switch from using cash to having empty wallets.

A 50% Reduction

On Wednesday, the governor of the state, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, announced what could be referred to as transport subsidy.


He says there will be a 50% reduction in the cost of transportation if you use the BRT in Lagos.

Also Read: High Naira Charge: See How CBN Will Deal With PoS Operators

According to him, reduction will be across in all state public transportation on the road, and waterways.

Part of this palliative are  the BRT buses, first and last-mile buses.


They have been directed to charge 50% of the current fare, he says.

The governor highlighted that the decision was taken to reduce the hardship of the naira scarcity on Lagos residents.


“To further support Lagosians to weather these stormy days, I hereby announce the following measures: A 50% cut in fares on all our BRT buses, LAGRIDE taxi-scheme, First Mile and Last Mile buses, and Lagos Ferry Services (LAGFERRY),” the governor said.

How Long Will This Last? 

Before you rush to the BRT Park and get the debit card, note that this reduction is not forever.

Sanwo-Olu said: “This will take effect from tomorrow for the next seven days.

“We will push out more Cowrie Cards to enable more Lagosians to get onboard our services”.

Without the cowrie cards you will not be able to benefit from this one-week subsidy.


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