The demand for justice for deceased Yoruba rapper, Ilerioluwa Aloba, popularly known as Mohbad is gathering more momentum.

Authorities involved understand clearly the damages it may cause if Mohbad’s death is not thoroughly investigated and his killers brought to book.



In the past few days, Nigerians have been dragging security agencies and also the government by the balls.

They are insisting that justice must be served for the young talent.

Now, the coroner’s inquest into the death of the 27-year-old singer will commence on Friday.


The Inquest

Basically, the inquest would commence at the Magistrate court in Ikorodu, Lagos.

Magistrate Taofikat Shotobi gave the date in a letter dated September 26.

That letter was addressed to the law firm of Falana and Falana Chambers.

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The firm had requested the inquest in a letter dated September 18, 2023.

It was addressed to the Chief Coroner of the High Court of Lagos State, Justice Mojisola Dada.


Most importantly, the aim is to unravel the circumstances surrounding Mohbad’s death. The law firm had described it as the “very tragic” death under “mysterious” circumstances.

The Directives

In its reply to the firm’s letter, the coroner said she had received directives from the Chief Coroner of Lagos State, Hon. Justice Mojisola Dada on the matter.

According to her, there was a directive to convoke an inquest pursuant to the extant provisions of Sections 14 and 15 of the Coroner’s System Law of Lagos State, Cap C15, Laws of Lagos State 2015.

See the Coroner’s letter to the law firm obtained by Channels TV here.


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