Actress Iyabo Ojo has shared her regrets about asking for the late singer Mohbad’s body to be exhumed. Speaking during an interview with Biola Bayo on the Talk to B podcast, Iyabo explained how the situation has taken an unexpected turn, leading to delays and conflicts in the singer’s family.
“I wouldn’t have requested that Mohbad be exhumed if I knew things would end up like this,” she said.
Mohbad, whose real name was Ilerioluwa Oladimeji Aloba, passed away on 12 September 2023 under mysterious circumstances.
He was buried the next day. However, following public outcry and concerns about his sudden death, his body was exhumed by the Lagos State Police on 21 September 2023 for an autopsy.
Iyabo, who was among those advocating for justice, explained that her intention was to ensure a thorough investigation into Mohbad’s death.
“I just wanted his body exhumed so they could do the autopsy and find out the cause of his death,” she said.
Unfortunately, the situation has become more complicated. Mohbad’s father, Joseph Aloba, has insisted on a DNA test to confirm the paternity of Mohbad’s son, Liam.
While the court granted the request, Iyabo revealed that there are now additional conditions from his father.
“He hasn’t been buried again till now,” Iyabo lamented. “His dad says he wants a DNA test done, and now I hear he has more conditions.
It’s all so heartbreaking. I just wanted answers, but now it seems the DNA test has become more important than the investigation.”
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