Social media has become a big part of our lives. We use it to share moments, connect with friends, and stay updated on what’s happening.

But sometimes, it can be like a wave that sweeps us away from reality.


It’s like a double-edged sword bringing us closer together but also pulling us away from what truly matters.

How Social Media Can Take Over Our Lives

In this digital age, social media has the power to change how we act and feel.

It can make us forget to help someone in need, prioritize likes over real help, and even make us feel bad about ourselves.


Let’s take a closer look at how social media can sometimes take over our lives, and how we can find a better balance.

When “Likes” Matter More Than Help

Sometimes, when something bad happens, instead of helping, people reach for their phones.

They want to record a video for social media be the first person to break the news.

It’s like they care more about likes and comments than about helping someone in real danger.


Seeking Sympathy Online

When we feel sad or hurt, some of us turn to social media. We post sad pictures or videos, hoping for sympathy.

But this doesn’t always make things better. It’s like trying to fix a big problem with a small band-aid.


Lost In the Scroll

Digital platform can be like a black hole for time. We start scrolling and before we know it, hours have passed.

We forget to do things that matter. It’s good to connect, but too much scrolling can make us miss out on real life.

Comparing Our Lives

Seeing perfect pictures and happy moments online can make us feel bad about ourselves.

We forget that what we see online isn’t the whole story. Everyone has tough days, but digital platforms often shows only the good parts.

Finding Balance

Social media is a tool to connect and share, but when it takes over, it can be a problem. We need to balance the online world with the real one.

Life’s best moments happen offline, with real people and real experiences.

Also read: Social Media In Mixed Mood Over Seychelles Visa Ban On Nigerians



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