The Nigerian local currency on the parallel market, otherwise known as the black market, was bought for ₦745 to the US Dollar (per $1) and sold for ₦741.

Basically, the dollar to Naira rate today records a little shift against what it traded on Thursday.


According to, the black market, is an economic activity that takes place outside government-sanctioned channels.

It is an illegal market where transactions usually occur “under the table” to let participants avoid government price controls or taxes.

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The goods and services offered in a black market can be illegal, meaning their purchase and sale are prohibited by law, or they can be legal but transacted to avoid taxes.


Illegal markets are also known as illegal markets, shadow markets, or underground markets.

Meanwhile, the British Pound To Naira Exchange Rate is ₦927, buy, while you can sell a pound for ₦912 at the black market rate.

Similarly, the European Euro/Naira traded at ₦803, buy and ₦781, sell, respectively in the parallel market.

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Dollar To Naira Rate In The Last 7 Days

Date Buy Sell
April 6, 2023 743 737
April 5, 2023 745 740
April 4, 2023 750 746
April 3, 2023 750 746
April 2, 2023 748 743
April 1, 2023 744 740
March 31, 2023 744 740



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