Home Education 10 Information That Should Not Be In Your CV And Why

10 Information That Should Not Be In Your CV And Why

10 Information That Should Not Be In Your CV And Why

Landing a job these days can be very difficult and challenging, but trust us, it is not impossible.

One very important thing you must pay attention to is your curriculum vitae because not only does it stand as your representation but it speaks to your potential employers on your behalf.

12 Information That Should Not Be In Your CV And Why

Having said so, there are some information that is no longer needed in your CV, perhaps they were before, but now, due to some reason, they have become unnecessary.

Take for instance, what is; Number Of Children, doing on a CV?

Relax, don’t be in a hurry, there may be a lot wrong with that CV of yours.

Fast, let’s take a look at some things that shouldn’t be on your CV.


Adding your age to your CV is completely unnecessary.

The truth is nobody is really interested in your age. You’ll have an opportunity to introduce yourself during the interview, that will be a perfect time to reveal your age.

Focus more on selling your skills and what you are bringing to the company.


Except you are applying for a job in a religious organisation, then adding your religion to your CV is way off.

It may appear as if you are seeking sympathy. But then, what if you are a Christian and your potential employer is a Muslim?

Best keep this info out, it is not necessary.


LGA? On a CV?, such CVs are no longer welcomed.

New CV formats don’t carry LGA. Your employees will get to know your background during the interview stage.


These days, you could easily add your LinkedIn link to your CV, and there potential employers will see your pictures if they want to.

Adding pictures to a CV could be a distraction.


This should be made available on request.

Due to security reasons, it is not advisable to disclose people’s information like their addresses, phone numbers, and other details on a CV.

Make it handy, you may need it.

Marital Status

Nobody is employing you because you’re married or not, it is for your skills and the growth that accompanies you.

Misleading/False Information

Try not to lie or provide misleading information in your CV.

Don’t claim what you did not do or achieve.

You see, in this internet age, nothing is hidden.

Political Affirmation

Picking political sides is one easy way to cause division this days.

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For your own good, keep your political affiliation to yourself, it is not necessary in a CV especially as you do not know the person on the other end.

Leave politics for politicians and prioritise securing the job.

Use the time to sell your skills and tell your employers about your past achievement in previous organizations, this will improve the odds for you.

Number of children

Number of children, really?

You want to turn somebody’s company into your family affairs?

Or are your children going to work with you?

Again, this unnecessary info could be a distraction for employers.

Some employers may be forced to think that you may not be able to deliver on the job being a father.

Typos and grammatical errors

Read your CV over and over again for typography errors.


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