This Could Make You Stop Eating Moin-Moin [ VIDEO ]

Can you imagine the food you are to be served being washed by the legs of another person? I bet your first answer will be a capital NO!

As a Nigerian, you must have seen steaming hot moin-moin sold at the junction or hawked on the streets.

The aroma of this delicacy is almost irresistible, as it is a delicious meal that can be taken with pap, garri, bread, rice, or even eaten alone.


However, what is unknown to many is the way this food is prepared, as it requires some back-end processing of soaking, peeling, and blending of the beans.



bean pudding
bean pudding

The Process

Moin-moin is a special Nigerian delicacy that has been around since time immemorial.

It is prepared by first soaking beans in cold water until they are soft enough to be removed from their outer skin by hand, blender, or other methods.

Afterwards, it is blended with onions, Scotch bonnet peppers, crayfish, and other ingredients of choice.

It is also called bean pudding in the English language and is locally prepared with leaves, as the leaves add a unique flavor of their own. It can also be prepared in aluminum foil, nylon, and so on.

moin moin prepared in tins
moin moin prepared in tins

A video went viral where a woman was seen peeling beans for moin-moin with her feet.

Is The Process Healthy?

There were reactions as to why it is not healthy, while others were of the opinion that this particular method has been in existence for a very long time and it is highly effective.

A few comments about that process are documented here.

@biolabayo1 commented, “Gen Z people will never understand 😂😂😂 normal level for street and older people too.

@naijafoodie wrote, “Hmm… I don’t see the problem. I am sure they wash their legs before doing this.”

There were comments from people stating the fact that the same leg-mashing method is used in the production of palm oil, wine, and olive oil.

 moinmoin wrapped and prepared in leave
moinmoin wrapped and prepared in leaves

Before the innovation of blenders, it was often peeled with hands, but it appears it is peeled by mashing with a foot if it is to be prepared in large quantities for events so the process can be faster.

Just in case you are wondering if you read this right, blenders are used to peel beans too.

The technique used is that the blender won’t be on fast speed.

Will You Gladly Eat?

Moin-moin is a food highly rich in protein, as it is cooked not only with beans but also with eggs, fish, crayfish, prawns, and other ingredients after blending them.

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If you are aware that the moin-moin you want to buy on the street or have served at an event is peeled with feet, will you still go ahead and eat it?

Watch The Video Here


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