Nigeria is home to a wealth of talent in the entertainment industry.

Many of these celebrities use their fame and resources to give back to their communities,  through various philanthropic activities.


Five Nigerian Entertainers Who Are Philanthropists

Here are Six Nigerian entertainers who are not only famous but also dedicated to philanthropy.


David Adedeji Adeleke, also known as Davido, is a renowned singer, songwriter, and record producer.

Davido is renowned for his generosity and commitment to helping those in need.


Through the Davido Foundation, he has provided scholarships to students, donated to orphanages, and assisted individuals with medical bills and financial difficulties.

Although, his charitable acts extend to various causes, reflecting his deep commitment to making a positive impact on society.

Omotola Jalade Ekeinde

Omotola Jalade Ekeinde is an accomplished actress, singer, and philanthropist.

Also, Omotola, often referred to as “Omosexy,” is a passionate advocate for youth empowerment and social justice.


Also, she founded the Omotola Youth Empowerment Programme (OYEP), which focuses on educating and training young Nigerians

Furthermore, she is involved in numerous campaigns that address human rights and social issues, leveraging her celebrity status to drive meaningful change.


Don Jazzy

Also, Don Jazzy also known as Michael Collins Ajereh, is a renowned music producer, singer, songwriter, and entrepreneur.

Don Jazzy is known for his generosity and support for budding talents and entrepreneurs.

In addition, He often uses his social media platforms to raise funds for individuals facing financial hardships and has been involved in numerous charitable activities.

2Face Idibia

Innocent Ujah Idibia, known as 2Baba (2Face Idibia), is a renowned singer, songwriter, record producer, and entrepreneur.

Also, 2Baba is a prominent figure in the world of Nigerian philanthropy. He established the 2Baba Foundation, which aims to promote peace and sustainable development in Africa.

However, 2Baba’s philanthropic efforts, including educational scholarships, healthcare support, and campaigns against violence and poverty.

Genevieve Nnaji

Furthermore, Genevieve Nnaji is not only a trailblazer in Nollywood but also a dedicated philanthropist.

She actively supports causes related to children’s education and women’s empowerment.

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Wizkid, a Nigerian singer and actor, has made significant philanthropic contributions, particularly to children and their education.

For instance, in 2020, he contributed to a COVID-19 relief fund, emphasising the importance of social responsibility.

Indeed, Nigerian entertainers Davido, Omotola Jalade Ekeinde, 2Baba, Wizkid, and Don Jazzy are showing the importance of giving back through their charitable work.

It highlights the responsibility to help those in need.

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