The Kano State Governor, Abba Kabir Yusuf has raised an alarm over an alleged neglect of the education sector by the immediate past administration in the state.

Abba Kabir Yusuf

Yusuf declared a state of emergency in education in Kano on Thursday June 13.


He said the past administration sold some public schools and converted others to private shops.

He further revealed that over 4.7 million Kano pupils sit on the floor to learn.

The Governor said teachers struggle with outdated and insufficient basic learning equipment.

“My administration is committed to making education a top priority and a lasting legacy for future generations.


Over 4.7 million pupils are forced to sit on bare floors to learn, while 400 schools have only one teacher for all classes and subjects.

Also Read: Kano: No One Is Above The Law – Aminu Ado Bayero

“Teachers struggle with outdated and insufficient basic learning equipment, while clean water and sanitation are lacking in many schools.

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