The killing of soldiers in Abia State in one incident that has left many people in absolute confusion.

What’s worse is the fact that nobody knows the people responsible for such act.


At this point, Nigerians were left with no choice, but to read the handwritings on the wall.

How Politicians Killed Soldiers In Abia- IPOB Speaks

You see, the soldiers were attacked and killed on Biafra Day.

Prior to that day, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), had issued a sit-at-home order to residents in the region to remember those killed during the Biafra civil war.


That’s how the group became the prime suspect in the case.

The group came under heavy condemnation as Nigerians expressed their anger over the attack.

IPOB Speaks On Killing Soldiers

Now, IPOB has distanced its members from the killing of the soldiers in Aba.

The incident was said to have taken place at Obikabia Junction Checkpoint in Obingwa Local Government Area, adjourning Aba metropolis.


IPOB spoke via a statement issued on Friday by its spokesperson, Emma Powerful
The successionist group alleged that politicians trying to create problems in peaceful Enyimba city are responsible for the death of the soldiers.

IPOB said politicians used criminals to carry out the attack.


Fallen Heroes 

The group noted that its members were preoccupied with the sit-at-home order.

According to Powerful, IPOB condemned the killing of the soldiers.

He said: “We condemn the attack on the military on duty in Aba, we are not involved.

The sit-at-home was because of our fallen heroes and heroines and time of mourning.

It was not to attack anybody in respect of that; therefore, anybody mentioning IPOB as responsible for the attack in Aba is under the control of something.”

“IPOB has no chance to attack anyone; those responsible for this attack are politicians.

They are planning to create problems in peaceful Enyimba City, so the governor of Abia State must be careful; they are coming to create a crisis in Aba.”

The Puzzle 

“Those who were used to attack military on duty are criminals, not IPOB.

Also Read: Abia: See Identities Of Soldiers Burnt To Death On Biafra Day

We are much more engaged with sit-at-home to remember our fallen heroes and heroines who died during the genocidal war against Biafrans and Ndigbo.”

IPOB condemns the criminal activities of yesterday.”

The truth is, IPOB has a point.

What if someone, somewhere had seized the opportunity to launch the attack knowing that all fingers will point towards the group.

Well, it is now left for security agencies involved to get to the root of the matter and uncover those behind the attack.


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