In what you could describe as a warning signal, some officials of the EFCC took their war against criminals to night clubs in Ondo. 

In a twinkle of an eye, what started in merry making ended with glaring fear and scare on the faces of the clubbers. 


It must be one of those nights they would never forget.

How EFCC Officials Raided Night Clubs In Ondo

It was a shocking turn of events and it has stirred widespread outrage.

The operatives of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) laid siege on several nightclubs in Akure, Ondo State.


No one got a wind of it.

However, this allegedly happened despite a directive from the EFCC Chairman, Abdulrasheed Bawa prohibiting night raids on November 2023.

The raid was a surprise move, catching patrons off guard.

The agents attacked clubgoers, contrary to the chairman’s orders, sparking concerns about the agency’s compliance with its own guidelines.


Now, the incident has raised questions about the EFCC’s tactics and respect for human rights.

EFCC Nightclub Raiding

Eyewitnesses stated that the EFCC officials arrived at the clubs in unmarked vehicles, assault and arrest 127 people.


They allegedly ignored the ongoing activities and indiscriminately attacked people using teargas, batons, and other weapons.

Sources revealed that the clubgoers were not engaging in any illegal activities and were merely enjoying themselves when the authorities conducted the raid.

They accused the agents of using excessive force and violating their rights.

“We were just having a good time when these people came in and started shooting teargas.

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They hit me with their batons for no reason,” said one victim, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Another eyewitness reported that the EFCC agents arrested some clubgoers and took them away in EFCC vehicles without any explanation.

Ondo Youth Protest Against Assault

News of the raid has sparked outrage among Akure residents and civil society groups. Local activist, Peter Olawuyi, condemned the actions of the EFCC agents, calling them “unconstitutional and barbaric”.

He stated: “The EFCC is supposed to fight financial crimes, not terrorise innocent citizens.

“This raid clearly abuses their power and requires investigation”.

EFCC spokesperson Wilson Uwujaren declined to comment, citing lack of briefing when contacted about the incident.

Observers worry EFCC’s recent actions resemble past military governments’ repressive tactics, signaling a concerning trend towards heavy-handedness.

Chairman Bawa prohibited night raids through a directive aimed at preventing the agency from being linked to human rights abuses and reinstating public trust in its operations

Now, the EFCC agents’ disregard of this directive has raised doubts about the agency’s commitment to respecting human rights and operating within the confines of the law.


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