May 11 to May 14 will always be remembered by Hilda Baci, and many Nigerians.  It chronicles a period the 27-year-old was tested beyond her limits and she proved her readiness to be great to the world.

For Hilda cooking is both a job and something she derives pleasure from.


A dream of becoming great doing what she is passionate about which is cooking is her driving force to becoming a record breaker.

A lot had gone into the cooking period to break a record.

Many people by now would have been wondering how much it would have cost.

Most intriguing in the questions people ask is how much it could have cost Hilda Baci’s team to set up the kitchen where the record breaking chef achieved her dream.


Well, one thing that must be said is that if you are not ready to sacrifice your all, then do not attempt it because you might lose everything.

Read Also: Food: Hilda Baci To Release A Cookbook

For Hilda Baci, it was everything or nothing.

Hilda Baci’s Production Set Cost ₦40 million

In a chat with Hilda Baci’s production team director, Tosin Obembe, on iBrand TV, he revealed that the kitchen set alone costs about ₦40 million.


Revealing more, Tosin said “Hilda put the whole of her savings into the project.

“The way the set was designed, it is like a kitchen with dining tables, four cook burners, gas and some other accessories for the production. All of those costs about ₦40 million”.


Tosin, who is the CEO of Tobems Media, explained that a lot went into developing the set used as the kitchen where Hilda Baci did the Cook-a-thon.

Furthermore, he said: “We had to install CCTV’s for the Guinness Book of Record’s panelist to monitor and follow proceedings step by step.

You May Also Like: How Hilda Baci’s Cook-A-Thon Production Was Planned

“We also had to create a space in the kitchen that was set up for like a DJ (Disc Jokey) to entertain those who are around while also playing inspiring songs for Hilda Baci to continue doing what she was doing.

“A lot of ideas went into creating the kitchen set, looking at what is possible and what will not be possible but on the whole we are grateful to God that we were able to pull it off,” he added.


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