Falz, a Nigerian rapper and activist, is known for his socially conscious music that often addresses political and social issues in Nigeria.

His new EP has drawn attention for not focusing on these topics.

Falz's New EP Steers Away From Addressing Nigeria's Problems


Falz has revealed that he deliberately chose not to address Nigeria’s problems in his recently released EP, Before the Feast.

During an interview with The Punch, Falz clarified that his intention for the new EP, “Before the Feast,” was to steer clear of grievances.

Instead, he aimed to cultivate a positive mindset among his listeners, choosing not to delve into discussions about Nigeria’s current state.

Falz explained that he deliberately reduced the emphasis on socio-politically conscious lyrics.

He opted instead for a varied range of sounds and themes.

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Also, he collaborated with multiple producers to achieve this objective


It results in a distinct and rejuvenating musical experience.

Furthermore, the rapper conveyed his aspiration to motivate Africans to embrace a fresh mindset in 2024, one devoid of negativity and complaints.

Additionally, Falz aims to “cleanse the palette” of his listeners

To provide a new perspective through his music and encouraging a more positive outlook.


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