As Nigeria marks the 2024 democracy day with the fate of Nigerian workers hanging on the balance, President Bola Tinubu, was compelled to address the issue of minimum wage in his national broadcast.

Basically, this issue of minimum wage has left the President Bola Tinubu-led government at loggerhead with the Organised Labour.

#DemocracyDay: What President Tinubu Said About Minimum Wage
President Bola Tinubu

With back-and-forth negotiations spiced with numerous strike actions, the issue of the new minimum wage has become one of the most controversial topics in recent times.

Meanwhile, prior to the June 12 celebration, Nigerians were left in suspense.

Talks of a possible strike action by the Organised labour had started springing up on the internet.

However, in his Democracy Day remark, the president made Nigerians a promise.


He promised that the new national wage will soon be sent to the National Assembly for approval.

President Tinubu Speaks On Minimum Wage

The statement of Tinubu comes days after the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, George Akume, received the recommendations of the 37-member Tripartite Committee on National Minimum Wage.

However, Tinubu in his take on the national strike by the Organised Labour said his administration do not seek to crack down on workers.

furthermore, the President spoke on his plan to fix the economy.


To him, this will give Nigerians access to economic opportunity, fair pay and compensation for their endeavour and labour.

Also Read: #June12: See President Bola Tinubu’s 2024 Democracy Day Speech


Tinubu said: “In this spirit, we have negotiated in good faith and with open arms with organized labour on a new national minimum wage.

The executive Bill

“We shall soon send an executive bill to the National Assembly.

“This is to enshrine what has been agreed upon as part of our law for the next five years or less.”

“In the face of labour’s call for a national strike, we did not seek to oppress or crack down on the workers as a dictatorial government would have done.
We chose the path of cooperation over conflict.”

“No one was arrested or threatened.

Instead, the labour leadership was invited to break bread and negotiate toward a good-faith resolution.”

“Reasoned discussion and principled compromise are hallmarks of democracy.

These themes shall continue to animate my policies and interaction with the constituent parts of our political economy.”


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