Again, Dangote has raised the hopes of Nigerians as it concerns fuel distribution and availability.

Dangote Refinery Plan To Supply These IPMAN Retail Outlets
Dangote Refineries

The Chairman of the Dangote Group, Aliko Dangote, has said that with the plan the Dangote Refinery has in place, Nigeria will not need to import premium motor spirit (PMS) by next month.


Also, he said that the refinery, which has already started supplying diesel and aviation fuel in Nigeria, has the capacity to meet the diesel and petrol needs of West Africa and the aviation fuel demand of the entire African continent.

The richest man in Africa spoke as a panellist at the Africa CEO Forum Annual Summit in Kigali on Friday.

“Right now, Nigeria has no cause to import anything apart from gasoline, and by sometime in June, within the next four or five weeks, Nigeria shouldn’t import anything like gasoline—not one drop of a litre.

The Journey So Far

Furthermore, he highlighted how far the oil company has come, and Dangote expressed how they are focused on ensuring that the continent will depend less on importation in the near future.


“We have enough gasoline to give to at least the entire West Africa, and diesel to give to West Africa and Central Africa.

We have enough aviation fuel to give to the entire continent and also export some to Brazil and Mexico,” he said.

“Today, our polypropylene and our polyethene will meet the entire demand of Africa, and we are doing base oil, which is like engine oil; we are doing linear benzyl, which is a raw material to produce detergent.

We have 1.4 billion people in the population; nobody is producing that in Africa.


Dangote To Begin Linear Benzyl Production 

“So, all the raw materials for our detergents are imported. We are producing that raw material to make Africa self-sufficient.

“As I said, give us three or a maximum of four years, and Africa will not, I repeat, not import any more fertiliser from anywhere.


We will make Africa self-sufficient in potash, phosphate, and urea; we are at three million metric tonnes, and in the next twenty months, we will be at six million metric tonnes of urea, which is the entire capacity of Egypt. We are getting there.”

Also Read: Dangote Names Refinery Road After Herbert Wigwe

Dangote recalled how his dream for further investment in Africa as well as ending fuel importation in Africa has culminated in what is now one of the biggest refineries in the world.

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