Nigerians, particularly Lagosians, never believed that a time will come when cold food would become a taboo, all thanks to Cholera that time is here.

It all started on Tuesday, June 13, 2024.

Cholera Outbreak In Lagos: The Negative Effect On Businesses
Cholera Patient receiving treatment

On that ill-fated day, as Nigerians were busy navigating through the biting hardship rocking the country, that was when news of a Cholera outbreak surfaced.

Indeed, it began in Lagos.

It hit so hard that the state’s Commissioner for Health, Prof. Akin Abayomi, was forced to call for heightened vigilance and the adoption of precautionary measures to prevent it potential spread in the state.

This followed an increase in severe gastroenteritis cases reported in the last 48 hours.


Trouble For Food Vendors

Abayomi revealed that this resulted in about 60 hospital admissions and sadly, five deaths, primarily from patients presenting late with extreme dehydration.

To scale through these trying times, Nigerians were advised to desist from eating cold food.

That was when problems started for some food vendors in Lagos State.

As we speak, Nigerians, particularly Lagosians have started cultivating the habit of eating hot food.


Food vendors who do not have means to keep their food hot will at the end of the day count their loss.

Also Read: Cholera Outbreak: Possible Ways Tiger Nut Drink Can Be Contaminated


As a matter of fact, many Lagosians have stopped patronising food vendors, they prefer cooking their food at home to ensure that it is safe.

To maintain patronage, food vendors do not just have to keep their food hot, but they have to also keep their environment very neat.

Water Producers In The Mix

Food vendors are not the only people affected by the recent Cholera outbreak, sachet water producers and sellers will also experience a decrease in patronage.

This is because Lagosians are not seeking safer water to drink.

Those who are home now boil water to drink while others who go out prefer drinking bottle water for safety reasons.

Lagosians may also reduce the way they eat fruits, except when they are home so they can take proper time to wash the fruits as prescribed.

Cholera Cases Increase In Lagos

On Thursday, June 20, the Special Adviser to the Lagos State Governor on Health, Dr Kemi Ogunyemi, revealed that the suspected cases of cholera in the state have increased to 401 with 21 fatalities.

Ogunyemi emphasised that Lagos Island, Kosofe, and Eti Osa recorded the highest numbers.

This was disclosed in a statement signed by the Director of Public Affairs at the state Ministry of Health, Tunbosun Ogunbanwo.


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