The upcoming wedding between popular Afrobeat singer David Adeleke, nicknamed Davido and his long-time lover, Chioma is not only the most talked about wedding at the moment, but it happens to be the most anticipated union.

Since the announcement of this wedding, #CHIVIDO2024 has remained on top of the trends on so many social networks.

#CHIVIDO2024: How Chioma Won Davido’s Heart
Davido and Chioma

#CHIVIDO2024 which has already been tagged the ‘Gathering of Billionaires’ by Davido’s logistic manager, Israel DMW, is set to take place on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

This highly anticipated wedding will take place in the city of Lagos, Nigeria.

It promises to be one of a kind, in fact, it will be a total shutdown.

One cannot begin to imagine what that day would look like. Davido is well loved by millions of people both home and abroad.


How Chioma Won Davido’s Heart

You see, a celebrity of Davido’s caliber is a dream man for virtually every woman, and many cannot help but wonder, how did Chioma win the heart of one of Africa’s biggest musicians?

Indeed, Davido’s relationship with Chioma did not start today, it has been years.

However, the number of years a man spends with a woman is not enough reason to push him into settling with a woman, but it forms part of it.

Food Magic

Apart from the fact that these lovebirds share kids together, there are other features and traits that OBO must have seen in Chioma, after all she is not the only one that has kids for him.


Could it be the food?

If the road to a man’s heart is through his stomach as it is often said, then trust us, Chioma, who is a well decorated chef may have taken her time to walk the path from Davido’s stomach to his heart.


Now, let’s explore other possibilities.

Davido has been involved in numerous scandals, many of which bothers around infidelity.

Indeed, scandals of this nature are synonymous with celebrities and Davido is not the first, neither will he be the last.

The Online In-laws

In all these scandals, have you noticed how Chioma reacts?

She handles these issues maturely, often with silence, and if she is to speak, it is often to show support for her partner.

Also Read: Davido Wedding: See Pre-Wedding Photos With Chioma

Also, Chioma is not so much of a social media person, taking away the stress of those toxic thoughts that accompany the comments people share online.

This also means that Chioma will not have time to listen to online in-laws, because the truth is, these online in-laws can ruin your relationship faster than you think.


Let us not forget that Chioma has been an important part of Davido’s life and career.

No man will want to settle with a woman who steals away his peace of mind, especially not someone in Davido’s level.

The stress of work is so much, trust us if Chioma does not give David peace of mind, they would not have gotten this far.

This wedding has not just put smiles on Chioma’s face but on the faces of the millions of followers Davido has all over the world.


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