Residents of Torough and neighbouring communities in Benue State have been griped by fear as bandits operating in Ukum Local Government Area begins collection of taxes and levies.

As the days goes by, bandits in Nigeria seem to be getting more bolder and making this illegal trade more lucrative.

Benue: Tension As Bandits Impose ₦20 Million Monthly Levies, Taxes Monthly On Residents


A resident, who pleaded anonymity for fear of retaliation, revealed that bandits have imposed a ₦20 million monthly tax to be paid by residents.

According to the source, households had no choice but to comply.

As a matter of fact, the levies were being collected after each household was allocated their share of the tax.

Living In Bondage

He emphasised that even village heads are too afraid to challenge the bandits.

They cannot even report the situation to security agencies.

In his words: “We are more or less in bondage here. There is no complete freedom of movement, association, or expression.

“These militia boys are very deadly and powerful here in our Sankera axis.


“The entire Sankera region, including Logo, Ukum, and Katsina-Ala LGAs, is affected by this madness.

“These boys have a very strong communication network for their operations.
They monitor everything.

Also Read: Niger State: How Bandits Killed 6 Soldiers, Kidnapped Captain

“So, when the news about the ₦20 million tax came to us, nobody dared report it to security agencies.

“You and your family could be eliminated in broad daylight.
We are paying the ₦50,000 levied on each household.
Some traditional compounds with many households are taxed ₦1 million.”

The Momentum

The caretaker Chairman of Ukum LGA, Victor Iorzaa, confirmed the situation.

According to Iorzaa: “It is true that armed bandits are taxing the people and demanding ₦20 million.
I have reported the matter to the Police and the State Security Council.

“The criminals have been under significant pressure recently and are really feeling the heat.
They cannot have the guts to wait and collect any tax.
Most of them have fled their camps, and we intend to sustain the momentum until we run them down or they surrender.”

The state Police Public Relations Officer, Catherine Anene, was contacted.

Anene stated that the Command had not received a report of the development.


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