In a country where the cost of living continues to soar, the prospect of a ₦100,000 minimum wage emerges as a beacon of hope for Nigerian workers.

Indeed, some Nigerians believe that this is the amount that could bring succour to Nigerian workers.


 ₦100,000 Minimum Wage To Give Nigerian Workers a Breath of Relief- SDP Chairman

The National Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), Shehu Gabam, has asked the Federal Government to ensure that no civil servant earns less than ₦100,000 if it really wants to help the people.

Gabam made this request during an interview on Sunday’s edition of Channels Television’s Politics Today.

Strike For Minimum Wage Increase

This comes just a week after the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) went on a nationwide strike to demand a higher minimum wage for workers and the reversal of the recent increase in electricity prices.


The strike was paused for five days after labour leaders and the Federal Government agreed to continue negotiations and decide on a new minimum wage within a week.

Last Friday, the Tripartite Committee finished its meetings, with both the Federal Government and the Organised Private Sector agreeing on ₦62,000, while the Labor demanded ₦250,000.

However, Gabam believes that the government would benefit by setting a reasonable minimum wage above ₦100,000 to prevent civil servants from undermining the system.

SDP Statement

He said: “In my opinion, at this point, the government should set the wage above ₦100,000.


“It is reasonably fair.

“It makes some sense. People can breathe easier and go to work without considering sabotaging the institutions.”


“You pay civil servants and other private workers just ₦30,000, but when you go to the market, you can’t buy anything for that amount”.

People Also Read: Minimum Wage: ‘Show Working, No De Yarn Cho Cho Cho’ – NLC Knocks FG

The SDP leader criticised Nigerian governors for saying that paying a minimum wage higher than ₦60,000 wasn’t possible.

He also called for a review of the fuel subsidy removal policy.

“A serious governor who sets the right priorities can easily pay ₦60,000,” Gabam said.

He noted that if states got rid of fake employees, they could afford this wage.

Also, he was of the opinion that many of today’s problems come from the states, with governors being a big part of the issue.

“They need to think about reevaluating this subsidy. I’ve said this many times before, you can manage the subsidy at its current level.

“The government caused this crisis by removing the fuel subsidy, and they should have known there would be consequences.

“We hoped that when the government decided to remove the fuel subsidy, they would also consider the inevitable hardships it would bring, such as changes in consumption, supply, and demand rates that would become unbearable for many,” he said.

Labour Strike: Why NLC President Walked Out On The Govt.



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